Antikvarijat, knjige, gramofonske ploče, udžbenici, polovne knjige

Pat Boone

The Lord’s Prayer And Other Great Hymns

Pat Boone

The Lord’s Prayer And Other Great Hymns

Država: Velika Britanija

Godina: 1972.

Medij: Gramofonska ploča

Broj labela: 2870-174

Stanje omota: 9

Stanje medija: 10

Cijena: 9,90 €


A1 I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
A2 Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere
A3 Bringing In The Sheaves
A4 Just As I Am Without One Plea
A5 How Great Thou Art
A6 Day Is Dying In The West
B1 Ave Maria
B2 I Believe
B3 He
B4 Onward Christian Soldiers
B5 True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted
B6 The Lords Prayer