Busy Making Progress
Busy Making Progress
Država: Velika Britanija
Godina: 1978.
Medij: Gramofonska ploča
Broj labela: BBT 111
Stanje omota: 10
Stanje medija: 10
Cijena: 20,00 €
A1 Vision 3:05
A2 There Is A Light 4:10
A3 Payday 0:45
A4 Busy Making Progress 2:55
A5 When You Go 4:25
B1 Protoplasmic Crud 3:25
B2 Stop And Think 2:50
B3 Is It Worth The Price 3:40
B4 A Long Long Way To Go ….. 3:00
B5 Changing The Face Of The Earth 5:45