Antikvarijat, knjige, gramofonske ploče, udžbenici, polovne knjige


Think Tank


Think Tank

Stanje: Rabljeno

Medij: Audio CD

Rabljeno stanje

Cijena: 7,90 €


1. “Ambulance” 5:09
2. “Out of Time” 3:52
3. “Crazy Beat” 3:15
4. “Good Song” 3:09
5. “On the Way to the Club” Albarn, James Dring, James, Rowntree 3:48
6. “Brothers and Sisters” 3:47
7. “Caravan” 4:36
8. “We’ve Got a File on You” 1:03
9. “Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club” 3:03
10. “Sweet Song” 4:01
11. “Jets” Albarn, James, Rowntree, Mike Smith 6:25
12. “Gene by Gene” 3:49
13. “Battery in Your Leg” Albarn, Graham Coxon, James, Rowntree 3:20