Antikvarijat, knjige, gramofonske ploče, udžbenici, polovne knjige

China – eyewitness travel guides

Hugh Thompson, Kathryn Lane, Priredila

China – eyewitness travel guides

Priredila: Hugh Thompson, Kathryn Lane

Stanje: Rabljeno

Uvez: Meki

Format: 20x14

Izdavač: D&K

Godina: 2005.

Stranica: 672

Jezik: Engleski

Rabljeno stanje

Cijena: 16,90 €
(~127,33 kn)


DK Eyewitness Travel’s full-color guidebooks to hundreds of destinations around the world truly show you what others only tell you. They have become renowned for their visual excellence, which includes unparalleled photography, 3-D mapping, and specially commissioned cutaway illustrations.

DK Eyewitness Travel Guides are the only guides that work equally well for inspiration, as a planning tool, a practical resource while traveling, and a keepsake following any trip.

Each guide is packed with the up-to-date, reliable destination information every traveler needs, including extensive hotel and restaurant listings, themed itineraries, lush photography, and numerous maps.