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From the rise of Hitler to the Fall of Dunkirk

Len Deighton, Autor


From the rise of Hitler to the Fall of Dunkirk

Autor: Len Deighton

Stanje: Rabljeno

Uvez: Tvrdi

Format: 24x17

Izdavač: USA/UK

Godina: 1979.

Stranica: 314

Jezik: Engleski

Rabljeno stanje

Cijena: 11,90 €


The book explains Adolf Hitler’s victory in 1940 in the Western Campaign. Deighton points out that Allies had far greater resources than the Germans. Deighton considers Hitler’s military skills astonishing considering his background and complete lack of training (p. 52).

Literally meaning “Lightning War”, Blitzkrieg is the tactic of speed and the avoidance of unnecessary conflict, which were the keys to the rapid German advance.

The foreword is by general Walter Nehring, formerly Heinz Guderian’s chief of staff.