Antikvarijat, knjige, gramofonske ploče, udžbenici, polovne knjige

Proulx Joanne, Autor

Anthem of a Reluctant Prophet

Autor: Proulx Joanne

Anthem of a Reluctant Prophet

Stanje: Rabljeno

Uvez: Meki

Format: 20x14

Izdavač: Picador

Godina: 2007.

Stranica: 356

Jezik: Engleski

Rabljeno stanje

Cijena: 5,90 €


Luke Hunter thinks he’s joking when he tells a good friend exactly when – 8:37 the following morning – and how – hit by a red van from out of town – that friend will die. But when events unfold as Luke foretold, he wants none of it: he has enough problems being an average teenager without the added burden of seeing into the future – not to mention the ever-after. Terrified, but pretending not to be, Luke pushes his friends and family away, while the local news crew, a Christian fundamentalist preacher and a missing girl’s frantic mother all draw nearer, seeking to profit from Luke’s new-found ‘gift’.