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Presidents of the United States of America

The Presidents of the United States of America

Presidents of the United States of America

The Presidents of the United States of America

Stanje: Rabljeno

Medij: Audio CD

Rabljeno stanje

Cijena: 7,90 €
(~59,52 kn)


1. “Kitty” 3:23
2. “Feather Pluckn” 2:57
3. “Lump” 2:14
4. “Stranger” 3:04
5. “Boll Weevil” 3:16
6. “Peaches” 2:51
7. “Dune Buggy” 2:44
8. “We Are Not Going to Make It” (Ben Reiser) 1:52
9. “Kick Out the Jams” (Michael Davis, Wayne Kramer, Fred “Sonic” Smith, Dennis Thompson, Robin Tyner) 1:25
10. “Body” 4:11
11. “Back Porch” 2:59
12. “Candy” 3:16
13. “Naked and Famous” 3:42